
Yog Shiksha

The school lays special emphasis on meditation and yoga.  All classes are provided with at least one yoga period per week and Meditation is  practiced daily in assembly for 10 to 20 minutes to empower the children with positive energy and calm their agitated mind.

Sports and Gym

Sports are given due importance for the all round development of the child.  they are compulsory for all the students in all classes.  All classes are provided with at least 2 games period per week.  More over students who are in school teams of any sport, they are given extra time for practice.

Music, Dance, Drama  and Instrument playing

Music is given ample importance.  School participate in various music and dance competitions.  The school has best instrumental players in Dholak, Tabla, Congo, Key board etc

Computer Education

Computer education is compulsory for all classes.  In higher classes students are taught designing, animation and desk top  publishing through activity in SUPW. Subjects like mathematics and science are taught with the help of computer softwares (Audio-Visual Teaching).

Moral Teachings

Spiritual and Moral teachings are given importance.  Light is acceptable to people of all religions, faith & countries as it is nearer and true representative of the nature of God.

 Club Activities
Apart from academics, ample opportunity is provided in the school to develop an all-round personality of a student. To draw out the latent talent of the students, clubs have been formed in the Junior Wing. In the Senior Wing, Work experience classes are organized for -
1. Photography Club
2. Digital Club
3. Maths Club
4. Quiz
5. Music Club
6. Cyber Club
7. Art and Craft Club
8. Vedic Maths Club
9. Dance Club
10 Sanskrit Club
11 Eco Club
12. Literary Club
13. Magazine ( Handwritten)
14. Cooking without Fire
15. Advisory Counsil